Living Landscape : The European Landscape Convention in research perspective

Living Landscape : The European Landscape Convention in research

Monday, 18 October 2010 - Tuesday, 19 October 2010

In view of the 10th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention, that
will be celebrated in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2010, UNISCAPE and
LANDSCAPE EUROPE are organising a scientific conference to discuss in depth
the merits of landscape science at the forefront of integrated research in a
rapidly changing spatial environment. The conference will be held on 18-19
October 2010 in Florence. The aim is to initiate a well prepared debate in
order to define clear recommendations and guidelines from the scientific
community to be presented to the audience of the official meeting on 20
October 2010. The conference is supported by the authors of the text of the
European Landscape Convention, and will be realised in close consultation
with the Commission on Cultural Heritage and Landscape (CDPATEP) of the
Council of Europe.

A conference organised by Uniscape and Landscape Europe in Florence, Italy.

Uniscape Logo
What has science contributed to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention? And what are the topics for the future of European landscape? The 10th anniversary of the Florence Convention is occasion to discuss in depth the merits of landscape science at the forefront of integrated research in a rapidly changing spatial environment. Interdisciplinary contributions explicitly referring to the principles of the Landscape Convention are especially welcomed.
Call for papers
Aim of the conference is to discuss cutting-edge research results at the crossroads of sciences and humanities, design and empiricism. Papers will be prepared in advance, and selected as a basis for the debate in the conference. The results of the debate will be presented to the political audience present for the Florence+10 celebrations on 20 October. After the conference the papers will be updated and published in scientific journals.
Jan 2010 - submission of abstracts
Feb 2010 - invitation to prepare full papers
Apr 2010 - submission of full papers
May 2010 - peer review of papers, selection of the 40 most innovative papers; other papers will be published in proceedings
Jun – Aug 2010 - revision of the 40 papers
Sept 2010 - submission of revised papers
For further information e-mail LivingLandscape@uniscape.eu


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